In less than two months, the cooperation between the construction site security companies, Inter-security, and the SITE SECURITY have apprehended three thieves who were each sneaking around construction sites in Esbjerg, Denmark.
The latest thief was caught on Tuesday 21 June 2022, a few minutes after 04.00.
At 04.02, our red camera mast at the construction site alerted me to unwanted activity on the site. I immediately checked the camera, saw a man walking around in the dark, and then informed the security officer at SITE-SECURITY. He added, 'I could have seen what was wrong immediately. That's why I immediately call Inter-Security. As always, they are quick to respond'.
Quick response is always crucial
Michael Stæhr Jørgensen holds the SITE SECURITY GO surveillance unit. This was the type of surveillance system used during the apprehension of the night thief.
From the moment Inter Security gets the call until they are on-site, it takes about 4 minutes.
As the guard, put on and sent, I arrive in less than 4 minutes, says Michael Stæhr, the co-owner of Inter Security. He also continues: When I was the guard, I always got there quickly and had the opportunity to apprehend any possible thief. So I must have the best cards in my hand, and my customers and I get that through cooperation between SITE SECURITY and Inter Security.
And that is exactly what led to the apprehension on Tuesday night.
The thief was apprehended that night
I know the Construction Site Security as it's our client's. That means there's no wasted time finding your way around. SITE-SECURITY sends me film and photos of the person seen at the construction site. I can see it's an old acquaintance. While I was patrolling the construction site, I saw the person. He ran away, but because I have these pictures, I can contact the police.
After a short search in the area, the police managed to apprehend the person.
Cooperation strengthens security for local businesses
Lasse Østergaard-Jensen, owner of SITE-SECURITY (left), and Michael Stæhr Jørgensen, co-owner of Inter Security (right) at SITE SECURITY's factory in Denmark.
Michael's feedback is that their customers are happy with the Esbjerg cooperation.
At the construction site in question, SITE SECURITY is responsible for 24/7 manned video surveillance of the area.
Inter Security is responsible for shutting down the construction site and making sure everything is locked down. In addition, they conduct surveillance several times throughout the night. Therefore, they need to be able to arrive quickly in case there are intruders on the construction site.
With its guard center in Sædding, Construction Site Security's guards are on call every night with a live connection to construction sites and other outdoor areas throughout the country. SITE-SECURITY is a danish company in rapid growth.
About Inter Security
In 2022, Kim Andersen and Michael Stæhr Jørgensen bought Inter Security. Their plan with the acquisition is to continue serving their regular customers by providing a good service and finding the best solution for them. Especially for their tradesmen and construction sites, the solution with monitoring and guarding fits well.